What Are Storage Rental Prices in Hill City, South Dakota?


What Are Storage Rental Prices in Hill City, South Dakota? Looking for a storage unit to organize or declutter your life but don’t want to break the bank? Affordability is on the forefront of a lot of people’s minds when they’re looking for a storage unit, and it’s natural to wonder how much storage units cost in the Hill City, South Dakota area. Whether you’re storing long-term or are looking for storage space for a month or two, it’s important to know how much your monthly storage cost will be before you rent. We’re sure that there is a storage unit that meets your budget and needs. This guide will help you better understand what factors go into determining how much your storage unit will cost each month, as well as give you a good idea of storage rental prices in Hill City. Factors Influencing Storage Rental Prices Size Storage units come in a variety of sizes, from compact 8’x8’ and 10’x10’ units to spacious 20’x24’ units. Naturally, the larger the unit, the more it will cost each month due to the additional space it provides you. Location Facilities in a popular or convenient location may charge higher rates due to their accessibility. For added security, you should also look for a facility in a safe area. Fortunately, Hill City is a relatively safe area, making it an ideal location to rent a storage unit. Duration of Rental The length of time you plan to rent the storage unit can also affect the price. Some facilities require you to sign onto a longer contract in order to rent with them, while others offer affordable month-to-month contracts. Deals and Discounts The base price of a unit may not be the price you end up paying. You may end up finding great move-in deals, especially as a new renter. Season and Market Demand In Hill City, storage facilities are busier during the summer months. More people are moving to or from ...

Reno Gulch Storage
July 26th, 2024

Different Types of Locks for Storage Units


storage unit with a padlock

You’ve made a wise choice by renting a storage unit- or even just thinking about renting one. A storage unit is an excellent way to keep your valuable items safe without taking up too much precious space in your home. However, you don’t want just anybody to walk into your storage unit. You want control over who accesses your valuable items, after all. In this case, the obvious solution is a lock. You want a lock for your storage unit, but what kind is the best for you? There’s no one answer, so you’ll have to pick from a variety of options. Read on to learn some of the most common and secure locks you could use for your storage unit. Your valuable items have never been safer! Types of Locks for Your Storage Unit Keyed Stainless-Steel Padlock The keyed stainless-steel padlock is, perhaps, the most well-known type of lock. This classic lock model takes the durability of stainless steel and provides an enduring security solution for any door. Each keyed stainless-steel padlock comes with a paired key, which is the only device that can unlock this stainless-steel padlock. Ensure that you purchase a high-quality stainless-steel padlock, as a cheaper one may fall victim to damage or tampering far easier. With its small size, durability, and security, the classic stainless-steel padlock is an excellent option for your storage unit. Maximum Security Padlocks If a traditional stainless-steel padlock doesn’t seem safe enough to you, a maximum-security padlock might fit the bill. With a body composed of brass or hardened steel, maximum security padlocks are extraordinarily durable. Maximum security padlocks often feature a shorter loop and a heftier body than traditional stainless-steel padlocks, making them significantly more of a challenge to break through. However, this heightened security comes at a high price- literally. Maximum security padlocks are still relatively affordable, but they are significantly more expensive than their traditional padlock counterparts. Bluetooth Outdoor Locks Perhaps keys are not your style- you want something a little more modern. ...

Reno Gulch Self Storage
November 4th, 2022

Top Reasons People Use Self Storage Units


self storage facility

Why do people use self-storage? If you've ever asked this question, you're probably in the same boat as countless others. Everyone's asking why there are more and more people every day who seems to be storing their stuff with self-storage companies. Let me walk you through the primary reasons people use these facilities. I'm sure you're interested in learning about self-storage to understand this industry better. 9 Reasons People Use Self Storage There are so many reasons to use self-storage, and I'll tell you the top 9 reasons that can assist you in deciding if it's the right choice. 1. Minimize the Stress of Moving Finding a good place to store your properties is often tricky when moving. Self-storage rids that difficulty in a few ways. First, it saves you time and money—you don't have to pay someone else to move your stuff or wait for them to do it. You can get the job done yourself and then put your belongings into storage until you're ready for them again. Second, self-storage minimizes the stress of moving by giving you more time to plan how things will go down. If you know that everything will be safe and secure while making arrangements for the move, you can relax a little bit more about how things will work out when they come back out of storage later on down the road. 2. Creating More Space in Their House When you live in a small house, it can be hard to find places to put your stuff. Self-storage might be the perfect solution if you don't want to throw away anything, but you also don't want to live with clutter. Self-storage facilities are great because they allow you to keep your items safe and secure while freeing up space in your home. It's also easy—you can drive up, load your stuff into the storage unit, and lock it up. It's like having extra space in your house. 3. To Store Properties During Renovation If you're renovating your home, you're likely no longer using the ...

Reno Gulch Self Storage
September 28th, 2022

How-To Store Rugs and Carpets in a Storage Unit


rug and carpet storage

Rugs and carpets are valuable items. When the time comes to store them, it becomes all too simple to damage these pieces. If you need to store your rug, you might wonder how you can properly store the expensive piece properly, so it stays protected while it is not in use. Read on to learn how you can properly store your rug or carpet. This method will prevent as much damage as possible and take up little room. Wherever you keep the rug, these steps will ensure it stays intact and usable. Follow them for the best results in storage. STORING YOUR RUGS AND CARPETS IN A STORAGE UNIT IN HILL CITY, SD Ensure the Rug is Clean The first step when storing a rug properly is to ensure it is clean. Utilize a vacuum to clean off the surface as thoroughly as possible. A strong vacuum will allow you to be as effective as you move up and down the surface. You might also use a brush, or water if your rug is made of a material that can stand liquid. Some of the items you will remove when cleaning include: Dander Dust Crumbs These can cause damage if not removed before storage and even during the storage process. If you have a delicate rug, you will need to be careful when you clean it off. Handmade or antique rugs will need a delicate hand, while natural rugs can handle a bit more. Some rugs, such as fur, may simply need a brushing for proper care. Research your piece to avoid harming it in the cleaning process. Defend from Bugs Once the rug is clean, you should take the necessary steps to defend the piece from bugs that thrive in dark spaces. This action is especially vital if you intend to place the rug in a location prone to moisture. These are many bug repellants on the market that are made specifically for rugs and carpets. Select one for the materials your rug is created from ...

Reno Gulch Self Storage
September 7th, 2022

Tips for Storing Your Furniture


storing furniture

TIPS FOR STORING YOUR FURNITURE Furniture is one of the most commonly stored items, but few people know how to do it right and end up with damage to the items. Having a collection of furniture is great, but sometimes you simply need more storage space. If you have recently decided to handle your storage needs with a self-storage solution, here are some of the leading tips for keeping your furniture safe during a period of disuse. HOW-TO BEST STORE YOUR FURNITURE IN HILL CITY, SD Confirm The Unit Is Secure Too many times have consumers been put at risk for loss by self-storage facilities that simply aren’t secure. Before you decide on any unit, be sure there are several layers of conventional security in place. There should be a physical lock able to be installed on the entry door to your unit, and your unit should have an alarm that functions as expected. The entry and general premises should also feature 24-hour, color video recording, and the walls between each unit should be floor-to-ceiling. Use Pallets to Protect & Insulate One of the cheapest ways to make sure your stored furniture stays safe from many environmental damages is to elevate it off of the ground. Some people might use cinder blocks but putting down a few palettes is an easy way to keep your furniture off the ground, where it can stay warm and dry. Palettes will not only be a simple and affordable platform for your stored goods, but they can also provide an insect barrier if they’ve been appropriately treated. Clean Items Before Storage One of the biggest mistakes people make is to store items dirty, thinking “i’ll have time to clean it later.” You won’t. Clean your items before you store them. Wooden Furniture Wood items can be dusted before cleaning. Use a duster or cloth to dust, with a mild wood soap solution to clean. When clean and dry, use a wood polish to seal and protect the wood in your absence. Upholstery All removable upholstery like ...

Reno Gulch Self Storage
July 27th, 2022

Why Your Small Business Should Rent a Storage Unit


WHY YOUR SMALL BUSINESS SHOULD RENT A STORAGE UNIT When you start your small business, there are many things to consider to get your business thriving. Unfortunately, many new small business owners overlook storage solutions when they open their business. However, there are several situations where a small business could benefit from renting a storage unit. Continue reading to learn how your small business can benefit from renting a storage unit and why you need storage solutions for your business. BENEFITS OF RENTING A STORAGE UNIT Small businesses have inventory that they need to stay afloat. However, many businesses don't use all of their inventory year-round. This circumstance can cause a lot of clutter for small businesses to deal with if not properly stored away. Below are the benefits you can receive when renting a storage unit for your small business. Declutter your workspace to focus on the tasks at hand better. Store away unused inventory without tossing it. Give yourself space for seasonal items. Organize your small business items to prevent missing inventory. Store away important paperwork in a secure space. Keep the items that you’re not currently using safe and secure. All of these situations can be very beneficial to small businesses and new startups. However, there is nothing more frustrating than excessive clutter in your small business. Storing Small Business Supplies Renting a storage unit is excellent for storing small business supplies such as excess inventory or seasonal items. You can also use a storage unit to store the paperwork associated with your small business and keep it safe. There are several reasons why storing your small business supplies is ideal in a storage unit, which is listed below. Security cameras surround storage units so you can ensure that your small business supplies are kept safe when it's in storage. You can add a secure lock to your storage unit, so intruders stay out of your small business supplies. A storage unit can help you organize your excess inventory so that you don’t lose track of it. Keeping excessive inventory in your ...

Reno Gulch Self Storage
June 28th, 2022

What Items are Commonly Stored in a Storage Unit


WHAT ITEMS ARE COMMONLY STORED IN A STORAGE UNIT It’s not uncommon to accumulate a lot of extra stuff over the years. From family heirlooms to furniture to picture frames, electronics, appliances, and more, we all start to build up our collection of things throughout our lives. That’s great because each and every item has memories tied to them and you keep them for a reason. However, there may come a time when you decide that you may need to clear some of the stuff out of your house. While it’s great to hold onto things you love, clutter is certainly not great. That means that you might need to get a storage unit and keep some of your possessions in there. That’s a very smart move - one that is becoming more and more popular lately. Thankfully, you will be able to find the storage unit that’s right for you, your property, and your budget. But what are the possessions you own that belong inside a storage unit? There are some things that should be stored in the unit and some things that definitely shouldn’t. Some people have a hard time deciding what possessions should rest in the storage unit and what should stay at home. Thankfully, it’s easy to remember what belongs inside your new unit. Here’s what belongs inside your cozy, comfortable, safe storage unit. ITEMS THAT BELONG IN A STORAGE UNIT Furniture This one makes the most sense. Furniture is an item that definitely belongs inside a storage unit. Why? Well, the size of furniture is a huge reason why. Furniture takes up a lot of space. Even the smallest coach or chair requires a lot of floor space in your home. If you don’t want to use it, all it does is get in your way. Whether it’s from your home or your office, furniture will comfortably fit and fill your new storage unit. However, you need to be sure you store it correctly. Make sure that it is ...

Reno Gulch Self Storage
May 25th, 2022

How-To Organize A Storage Unit for Frequent Access


HOW-TO ORGANIZE A STORAGE UNIT FOR FREQUENT ACCESS Storage units can be useful tools when living or working in a small space. If this sounds familiar, you may access your storage unit frequently. Maybe you store seasonal gear, business equipment, or household items. Nevertheless, if you are accessing your unit regularly, it is important that the unit is organized well. Continue reading for tips on how to organize your storage unit for frequent access. ORGANIZING YOUR STORAGE UNIT Make a Master List of Everything in Storage One of the most common problems people have when they first get a storage unit is forgetting what all they have in storage. Instead of waiting until you can’t find something you need, it’s better to create a detailed master list of everything in storage. Detail is critical for this list. It’s not usually enough to just list ‘bakeware’ for instance. Instead, list the individual pans you’re storing, and any other utensils or accessories that go with them. If you’re storing something like books or crafting supplies, it’s best to individually list those too. That way you can always check the master list if you can’t find something. Lists also make it a lot easier to see what’s currently in storage if you’re rotating items in and out. Keeping track of a rotating list is especially important for people who store certain items, like clothing or furniture, seasonally. Use Similar Sized Boxes A lot of storage units look a little bit like a 3D game of Tetris, filled with boxes in different sizes and shapes. Unfortunately using a lot of a different box sizes can make it a lot harder to access items and keep your storage unit organized. Instead of using odd boxes try to get everything into boxes of the same size. If you can’t manage that, or some items are just too heavy for a large box, try to limit yourself to 2-3 box sizes and shapes. If you need to have 1 large box size and ...

April 13th, 2022